One Day Sale on Bluehost Web hosting

Bluehost has a one day sale on Web hosting Today August 17th.

Save 60% on yoru first year of hosting with Bluehost.
Blue Host Flash Sale


Today Bluehost is having a special one day sale on which you can get the special rate of $2.95/mo for 12 months.*

Click Here to get this special rate


So if you are looking to get your photography or other website started, this is the lowest rate you will find for 12 months.


To read my review and steps on how easy it is to get started with Bluehost, check out my post

Getting a website created and online in no time with Bluehost


*Promotional pricing is for first term only. Regular rates apply upon renewal.

Bluehost One Day Sale
#Bluehost #Sale  #webhosting #Wordpress


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