Save with these Aurora HDR Pro Bundles

Save with Aurora HDR Bundles
Background image processed using Aurora HDR Pro


Save up to 20% off Aurora HDR Pro with these Aurora HDR Pro Bundles and you get Aurora HDR Pro plus a variety of bonus items.

Since Macphun (the co-creator and developer of Aurora HDR) is constantly adding new Aurora HDR Pro Bundles, I figured I would create a summary post of the current Aurora HDR Pro and Aurora HDR Bundles that are available to you. Not only are you saving on the price of Aurora HDR Pro itself, you are saving more if you add in the cost of the bonus items. Total savings including the bonus item can be 50% or more. I have linked to the posts with the full details of each bundle deal so you will need to follow the link to get the full details and to get the link for that bundle. Some of these bundles are only available to Macphun affiliates such as myself, so check them all out to see which one is right for you. Check this page often as offers expire and new offers become available.

The Current Aurora HDR Pro bundle list.

Aurora HDR Pro’s List price is $99 for comparison.


If these bonus offers do not interest you, you can still save by getting 10% off Aurora HDR software by using my promo code at Applies to all versions shown on the site.

Aurora HDR 10%off Coupon Code MDPDEAL


If you want to show some love to the person who got this great app started, Trey Ratcliff,  you can get Aurora HDR via Stuck in Customs in 2 versions.



You can also get extra Aurora HDR items from Stuck in Customs such as


For the HDR Tutorial other items at the store you may use my discount code of MDP10 at checkout to get an extra 10% off. Note: The coupon is not available for any Aurora HDR item or the Stuck in Customs Workshops, but pretty much everything else is covered. Best thing to do it just enter the coupon code and it will be applied to the items that it is accepted on. #aurorahdrpro #aurorahdrprobundles #AuroraHDR #Bundles #stuckincustoms #HDR #Photoeditor #Mac